Dear members
I hope that you and your families are all well. This is a longer newsletter than normal but there is a lot below which I hope will be of interest.
March club meeting
The March club meeting will take place on Thursday 11 March 2021, at 19.30 GMT. This month we will be joined by club member Ana Alvarado who will give a presentation in English entitled “Una de Bravas”, about female bullfighters. Ana is based in Valladolid, is directora of the magazine Sentir Taurino and has worked in a variety of media including TV, radio, and both digital and paper-based press. She is committed to making toreo accessible to the younger generations. The meeting will again be held via Zoom and if you wish to join us please let me know by Tuesday 9 March, when I will send log-in details. Felix's brilliant cartel is shown in Inma's previous post.
New club website
After several months of work by a small team formed by Andrew Moore, the London-based web-designer Charles Morris (Thinking About Studios), Inma Garcia-Colavidas, Roberto Cerdeña,, Mark Rayner and myself, we are pleased to confirm the launch of the club’s new website. It is a visual treat. It can be found at the usual address, CTOL.ORG and features both public pages and a private section reserved for members.
Members wanting to access the private section (Members Area) for the first time will need to set up a password. This is done by submitting the Sign Up Form, which appears under the Membership tab near the centre of the horizontal menu of the site’s main page. The Sign Up Form will ask you to confirm your email and select a password. There will be a short delay after you have sent this, but please bear with us, as you will soon receive a notification that you may now access the Members Area.
For subsequent visits to the website you should be able to log-in directly just using the email and password you chose (and without needing to complete the Sign Up Form again).
Please do visit the new site as we think it is an exciting development. And do please do let us know what you think; we want your feedback and suggestions as to what you would like to see in the future.
Photographic competition
The entries for the 2020 photographic competition are now available for viewing on the club’s website, at the following link (you will need to have a log-in, please see the preceding paragraph) Please do take a look as there are some fabulous entries, and please note that votes must be submitted by 14th March. Full details are on the website.
Membership dues
Very many thanks to the vast majority of members who have renewed their subscriptions. Sadly, a small number appear still to be outstanding. Members whose subs are overdue will a receive a notice with the next copy of La Divisa to the effect that this will be their final issue, unless this is remedied. If you do receive such a notice and think that you have already paid your subs, please let me know.
Postal delays
Many apologies to members in Spain for the late delivery of edition 258 of La Divisa. For some reason (quarantine?) it took the Royal Mail and Correos 3 weeks to send the Spain-destined package of copies of La Divisa from London to Madrid. We are investigating how to ensure this doesn’t happen again.
Tristan Wood, joint-editor of La Divisa for very many years, has launched a website which can be found at the above address. Please do take a look as it already has a significant number of very interesting articles that draw on Tristan’s unsurpassable experience and feature many glorious photos from his vast archive. Tristan plans shortly to publish a book under the same title, which will definitely be worth reading. Watch this space...
Looking to the future …
We are very excited at the number of new members have recently joined the club and want to welcome them all. But I have to single out one; our youngest member ever. Sorry Andrew Moore. He is Adriano. Adriano is based in London and last year visited corridas at El Puerto de Santa María and Sanlúcar de Barrameda with his father, Pedro. And all of this before his first birthday! Adriano’s nursery recently invited the children to dress up as their favourite superhero and the photo below shows him in his choice of role, as a torero naturally. Bienvenido Adriano!

With best regards