The Club Taurino 3 Puyazos has been born from the union of a group of aficionados with the purpose of enjoying a day of bullfighting with celebrations and cultural events where the aficionado takes the reins of the organization.
They celebrate the bulls, promoting its variety and especially valuing the suerte de varas. All goes around the bull and its integrity.
3 Puyazos proposes a different organization model, in which it is the aficionado himself who assumes its organization and in full independence manages the configuration of the corrida. They received their funding through its members and sponsors and aim to be able to generate enough revenue to self fund in the next years.
The opening feria in 2022 will take place in San Agustin de Guadalix, the 11th June, a small village in the outskirts of Madrid. It will consist on one novillada starting at noon and a corrida at 7 pm. The novillada will feature novillos of Raso del Portillo and Valdellan, whereas the corrida will include Prieto de la Cal and Penajara. For further information on the carteles, novilleros, toreros and picadores or buying tickets for the day please click here You can also visit their website by clicking following link El Club | 3puyazos or contact them via email at . A few CTL members are involved in this initiative and some have already confirmed their presence at the San Agustin plaza Saturday 11th June GA. The CTL wishes the 3 puyazos club all the luck in their romantic endeavour.