Dear CTL members,
2025 is almost here, so please make sure you are up to date with your membership subscription.
Subscriptions run from January 1st to 31st December. Fees for the incoming year have not been increased and remain unaltered from previous year one´s. Your Committee believe that membership represents terrific value for money and that La Divisa alone excels very favourably to equivalent publications.
The fees for 2025 are therefore:
UK £70 (£72 for two people at the same address),
Europe £80,
Rest of the World £90.
Fees are due by 1 January 2025 and must be paid in sterling -GBP
It would be much appreciated if those with sterling bank accounts could make a bank transfer to Metrobank:
Sort Code: 23-05-80 Account: 35863915
Alternatively send a sterling cheque addressed to Club Taurino of London to The Treasurer, PO Box 77399, London SW14 9EB Please do not use abbreviations on the cheque, such as CTL, as our bank will not process these, if you chose to send a cheque please inform via email acting Sec. General
If you do not have a sterling bank account you can pay via PayPal to If you use this method of payment it would be appreciated if you would accept PayPal’s charge on your payment.
For international bank transfers please note the additional bank details:
IBAN: GB66MYMB23058035863915 Swift Code: MYMBGB2L
The CTL's subscription year runs from 1st. January to 31st. December. Members must renew their membership each year
Merry Christmas & olé