2024 Photografic competition
(CToL members only)
The Committee invites members to submit entries for the club’s annual photographic competition.
1 Any member may submit up to three monochrome or colour images, each of which must have a clear taurine connection. The member may choose to attach a title to each image. There is no fee for entry.
2 The images must be the work of the member submitting them. All should be clearly identified as such; pseudonyms should not be used.
3 If previously submitted to another competition, they shall not have won awards or prizes; the members’ submitting them will attest to these conditions. No images submitted for previous CTL Photographic Competitions will be accepted.
3a. First-time entrants will be eligible for a special prize-category (see below). Please indicate if this is the case.
4 The images must be submitted in digital format to markctol@gmail.com on/by 3 November 2024.
5 All entries will be displayed publicly online in the CTL website between 5 and 17 November (previous years was in the only members section but this caused some issues so it has been decided to public them openly). Apologies that (as every year) this is a short window for voting. During this time all members will be able to vote for their five favourite photos in order of preference– members can not vote for their own photos.
Votes should be sent by email to markctol@gmail.com by 17 November 2024.
6 The winning photographs will be auctioned and the proceeds of the auction for each photograph will be split, 50/50, between the winning entrant and the club. There will be three prizes, first, second and third, and a prize for the best photograph by a first-time competitor. These will be announced and presented at the Annual Lunch on 27th November 2024. No individual will be awarded more than one prize.
In the event that A.M. or R.D. win prizes there will be an additional 4th and possibly 5th prize – as explained in 2023.
7 The submitted images may also be reproduced, without payment, in the Club magazine and/or on its website, twitter or any other Club related platform at Clubs discretion. The member’s assign a non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, for any purpose, photographs submitted. Submissions indicate that he or she accepts this and waives any right over the submitted entry. Any reservations must be made known to the CTL at the time of submission.