Dear Members
I hope you are all well and are enjoying the gradual return of los toros, either in person or via the TV/internet.
After a very enjoyable informal face-to-face meeting at a tapas bar in August, we will be returning to the Zoom format for the next couple of meetings. We hope at some point to hold physical meetings which are simultaneously broadcast on Zoom, but have some logistical issues to resolve before we are able to do that with any confidence.
September club meeting
The September club meeting will be held on Thursday 9 September, via Zoom, at 7.30pm UK time.
Our guest for September's meeting will be Francisco "Curro" Orgambides. He is a journalist from El Puerto de Santa MarÃa and is the crÃtico taurino of Diario de Cadiz. He has written many books about tauromaquia including "Don Puyazo", "Cádiz Antitaurino" and "Plazas de Toros de la Provinciao de Cádiz" and he is also the author or various blogs about tauromaquia and local history. More recently he has published the book "Galloso. Mi Historia en Palabras" dedicated to the matador from El Puerto de Santa MarÃa José LuÃs Galloso on the 50th Anniversary of his alternativa. Orgambides will be interviewed by Félix about this book and, as usual, there will be a Q&A session with the audience. The interview will be in Spanish and we will be helped by the usual team of translators. If you wish to join this very interesting meeting, please let me know by close of play on 7 September and I will send the password link on the Wednesday morning.
Autumn lunch in Madrid
The CTL autumn lunch in Madrid will be held at our usual venue: Restaurante Puerta Grande (Calle Pedro Heredia, 23) on Sunday 26th. September at 1.30 p.m. Members, partners and friends are all most welcome to join.
This year’s lunch will be dedicated to the memory of our former President and Public Relations Officer, Mike Penning, who died at home in Los Alcázares, Murcia, in July.
The Restaurante Puerta Grande is 250 metres from Las Ventas, a short walk after lunch for the corrida starting at 6.00 p.m: toros of Victorino MartÃn for López Chaves, Alberto Lamelas and Jesús Enrique Colombo.
The price of the lunch will be 30 euros, payable in cash on the day. The restaurant expects to be busy that day and wants to know our numbers in advance, so please confirm your reservation(s) to Andrew Moore by WhatsApp to 696 519 522, or by email to Give Andrew the names of your guests, and also a contact telephone number for the days leading up to the 26th, just in case of any last-minute changes to arrangements.
If members or their friends have to cancel, please let Andrew know before noon on Saturday 25th. Thereafter members will be responsible for payment of their reservations.
We will be seated inside, and at tables of six, assuming the current restrictions in Madrid are still operating on the date of our lunch.
La Divisa
The relatively low numbers of ferias and travel restrictions mean that the editors are finding it challenging to source sufficient high-quality articles to fill La Divisa. Now would be a fantastic opportunity for members to secure their place in history (and the unending gratitude of fellow members) and Joe would be delighted to hear from anyone who would like to contribute an article; he can be contacted on Similarly, Jacob would be very pleased to receive any photographic contributions on
Best regards