Dear Members
Like many of us in the UK, I am hoping this will be my last lock-down newsletter and that we can look forward to our ankle tags being removed later this month.
July monthly meeting
Some 25 years after being a guest of the CTL in London, Bill Lyon is returning on July 8 for a ‘virtual’ visit. An aficionado since 1954, and a working journalist in Spain for the past 55 years for Spanish and English-language media, he is known to most of you for the articles that have been appearing in La Divisa, which are translations of the ones he published as a staffer at El País in the 1980s, and which were collected in his 1987 book “La Pierna del Tato.” Bill was also also crítico taurino and head of the taurine section of the daily paper El Sol, has published a short book in Spanish for young journalists, currently teaches in the master’s degree program of the ABC newspaper, and still writes an occasional article for the Spanish press.
In this gathering, he will be interviewed by Ivan about how he came to be an aficionado; some of the Spanish books he feels are essential reading; how he got to write about the bulls for two Spanish newspapers; what a crónica taurina should do; his favourite toreros over the years; some brief sketches of some other matadors he has interviewed; and the changes he has seen in toros and toreo over the past 67 years. Also some thoughts on the present-day Fiesta and its post-Covid future.
As is customary, it is expected that these initial observations will lead to participation by club members in what should be an interesting evening.
The meeting will be held via Zoom on Thursday July 8th at 19.30 London time. If you wish to join the meeting please let me know by the close of play on Tuesday 6th and I will send login details on Wednesday.
Future meetings
Many thanks to those members who let me know their views on what format they would like for future meetings. It is clear that the Zoom format has been very popular and it is fantastic that we have been able to include members from all points around the world.
We do not want to lose that, but recognise that many members also enjoy meeting up face-to-face. We are currently exploring the possibilities to hold some meetings face-to-face whilst providing a simultaneous Zoom link – there are some logistical issues (eg we need a venue with a stable internet connection) but watch this space for more details. On this note, as is customary, we do not plan to have a themed meeting in August but will attempt to organise an informal social function in August, lock-downs permitting.
Best regards
