Dear members
The sun is out, there have been a few small ferias in Spain and the year’s first corrida in France will take place next Sunday. Are things looking up at last?
June monthly meeting
The June monthly meeting will take place on Thursday 10th June once again via Zoom. It is actually 12 months now since we started using the Zoom platform.
This month we are very pleased to have two guests for a José Cubero/El Yiyo themed meeting. Our first guest is Alfonso Santiago who will be talking about his new book, Por Siempre Yiyo. Alfonso was, until recently, the director of the much-missed magazine 6Toros6. Accompanying Alfonso will be Julián Maestro who many members will remember as one of the three Principes del Toreo, along with El Yiyo and Lucio Sandín. The meeting will be in Spanish with our usual panel of expert translators. Many thanks to Agustín Castro for facilitating this meeting.
If you wish to join us please let me know by Tuesday 8th June and I will send login details on the 9th.
Future club meetings
There is a possibility that later in June in the UK will may be allowed to actually meet up face to face. Or maybe not if certain cabinet ministers get their way. Whatever the decision, we are starting to think about what events to hold later in the year and, more particularly, what format they should take (Zoom, physical meetings etc). Any comments and feedback would help us greatly and would be appreciated.
Best regards
